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Responsive Web Design

Responsive design for desktop, laptop, and phone browsing window sizes.

Everyone wants a mobile version of their website.

When it comes to making websites, it’s impossible to stay up to date on every new screen size. Producing a site variation for each resolution and new device would be impossible, or at least impractical.

Should we simply suffer the effects of losing visitors from one device, for the advantage of gaining visitors from another? Or is there a better way? Yes! Enter responsive web design…

What is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive web pages eliminate the requirement to have a separate devoted mobile website for mobile browsers. A well designed responsive site will offer a great experience on any screen size, from desktop to mobile devices. As an added bonus, responsive sites have greater SEO impact, and less maintenance by just having to update one website.

FALCON Design is proud to use 100% custom responsive web design for our clients! You may be asking, “Just what is responsive style?”.

Responsive styled sites automatically resize to within the browser window, to fit screens from desktops, laptops, tablets, to small screens. Considering that the variety of mobile customers is significantly growing, it’s necessary to give them the best user experience possible.

Responsive website CSS style design grew as the industry standard for developing internet sites, since 2011. Mobile optimized web design has now taken a permanent hold as the market standard for developing websites.